Mechelen 24/08/08 1st place excellent cac- cacib  he is Belgium champion

show cets 11/04/09 baby class very promising
Jongehondendag 21/06/09 puppy class 
Cets 03/04/2010 joughtclas very good she became her breeding certificate
Cets 17/04/2011 openclass excelent


Cets 03/04/2010 baby class promising
luxemburg 05/09/2010 youtheclass 4 place very good
Jouthday bull terrier club 12/09/2010 youtheclass promissing best showteam of her class
Cets 17/04/2011 betweenclass excelent
Mechelen 20/08/2011 betweenclas 4 place very good
memorial servranckx 18/09/2011 gets her breeding certificate


Mechelen 19/08/2012 baby class promising 3 the place
Jouthday nederland 02/09/2012 she gets 8 points
kortrijk november 2012 puppyclass  promissing